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FAQ - Off-Road Riding
Q: Can I ride your rental motorcycles off-road?
Absolutely not.
Q: What is considered 'off-road'?
​Off-road is any riding surface that is not maintained by Alaska Department of Transportation (DOT). No two track or single track riding or stream crossings are allowed. All roads and riding surfaces must be regularly graded by a big yellow DOT road grader.
Travel on all other surfaces is strictly excluded as designated in our rental contract.
Off-road includes mining roads, logging roads, ATV trails, hunting trails, hiking trails, water crossings, beaches, swamps, etc. Not all suggested rides on the Alaska Butler map, adventure books, and blogs are approved for our motorcycles. If you have questions about specific routes or roads, PLEASE ASK. Most riders agree our approved routes are challenging enough and indeed remote.
Q: What is the harm in a little off-road riding?
Dented rims, flat tires, brush scratches, unexpected changes to travel plans, missed timelines, etc. All items previously mentioned will cost you time, money or both.
Q: Besides off-road, what else is off limits?
The Dalton Highway past the Arctic Circle Sign. The entire Dempster Highway from the Dempster turnoff to Inuvik and Tuktoyaktuk (Tuk), Canol Road, YT. and any travel into the Northwest Territories.
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